Grammar Teaching Workshop for Yadavindra Public School (YPS) Patiala

Grammar Teaching Workshop for Yadavindra Public School (YPS) Patiala

"Nothing gets transformed in your life until your mind is transformed." In line with this vision, Funshiksha Classrooms conducted an innovative grammar teaching workshop at YPS, Patiala on December 16, 2019. The session was enjoyed by all the English teachers of YPS and it was a forum for exchange of best practices in education. The resource person illumed the audience with new and playway techniques to engage the interests of differential learners in class. The resource person Ms Mohanty firmly believes in experiential and transformative pedagogy shared ideas to foster an inquiry based grammar teaching class. She also shared ideas to integrate dictionary skills and other language skills like LSRW in teaching of grammar. The workshop was creditable and informative.